Monday, February 2, 2009


Today is my Mom's birthday, and no she cannot tell you whether that dang groundhog saw his shadow today. LOL It never fails, someone will be a smart ass and ask her. Being my mother, she gives the the kind of answer I would give (where do you think I got it from).

She has seen a lot in her time, and she is truly my angel. Do not get me wrong, she will tear you head off if need be. My mom is 5'4, I am 5'11 - and I am still terrified of that woman, and I have been an adult for a few years. Nowadays, that is a rare thing, even with young children. Growing up, you were afraid of your parents, when they told you to do something - you did it. I see the way some kids talk to their parents; I would not have a mouth. Yup, I would be walking around with two eyes, one nose, two ears, and no mouth because she would have knocked it OFF my face.

Mom retired a few years ago, but works part time, just to get out of the house. I call her "Tim the Toolman" because if something breaks, she grabs her toolbox and tries to fix it. And, she usually does. (BTW, the toolbox has a couple of drills, hammers, screwdrivers, you name it.) She built and painted this stand for my television to sit on in my bedroom, so I guess Tim the Toolman is not a good title. Her bosses asked her if she wanted to work more hours, she said "no, part time means just that, plus full time would intrude on my fishing time." Isn't that the life? I want to be that way when I grow up.

So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! I love you!!!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

