For those of you who were fans of the Will and Grace televisio show, you know what I am referring to.
I have really close friends, and I was and still am Grace. My guys are the sweetest, most endearing set of friends. I would trade nothing in the world for them.
A friend of mine and I were talking about my relationship with them the other night, and just so happened - my “Will” called me yesterday. He lives in Houston, he and his partner were married in 1996 and I was in the wedding.
Will and I lived in the same apartment building in Los Angeles, and that is where we met in 1987. I thought he was absolutely gorgeous and flirted with him every chance I could get. Talking with him one afternoon at the barbeque grills in the courtyard, my gaydar went off, but I tried to ignore it.
The two of us would always talk; the more I talked the more my gaydar rang. Still, I was hoping. Anyway, one evening we had cooked some steaks on the grill and was in his apartment making the salad and other food to go with it. He said that he had something to tell me. He said “he’d understand if I didn’t want to be his friend after he told me.” He said the words “I am gay.” I wasn’t surprised, and said “that’s it? I had a feeling for a while.” I told him that I am not that shallow that I would end our friendship just because of his sexual orientation. He said that he has lost friends because of it; I told him they were not his friends to begin with.
So, our friendship began. We have been together ever since. That was 22 years ago, and there is nothing I would not do for him, and I can safely say the same goes for him.
I say that I am his “Grace” because I was and am still usually the only female in the group other than family members whenever there is a gathering. Even his partner treats me the same way. I love hanging out with them. They even sent for me for the year the Super Bowl was in Houston (I cannot remember what year, but it wasn't long ago). I got a call and here is how it went.
“Do you want to come to Houston for the Super Bowl?”
“Yeh right?”
“I don’t know how much the plane ticket is.”
“That isn’t what I asked you. Do you want to go to the Super Bowl?”
“I guess.”
“Check your email in a little while and you will have a confirmation for your flight.”
See that is what happens whenever my “Will” wants to see me? Gotta love him.
I really think we have mental telepathy though because I was talking about him Thursday night, and he called me yesterday. He said he had been thinking about me a couple of days and decided to give me a call to see if I needed him. I do the same thing to him too, something he just falls on my mind and I have to pick up the phone.
He did drop a hint about me coming to Houston or he coming her to visit. I knew that was coming since it has been a couple of years since I have seen he and the family.
I keep referring to him being Will; we have also had a few “Jacks” My Clifford was totally “Jack” no matter what you said to him, he would have a smart comeback for you. You would not be able to reply because you would be laughing so hard.
There is another one - Darryl. Another quick wit, that you never know what will come out of his mouth. All you can do is look at him in total awe or burst out in laughter.
The most difficult part of having friends that live alternative lifestyles is that you do lose them before their time. It is so sad, but the memories are always there and I have photos of our good times and whenever I think of them I smile. I am grateful for the time that I did have with them, but I will always feel it was just too short.
My “Will” will always be a part of my life, and anyone who cannot deal with him…can just take a flying leap. I had one boyfriend that would not visit with me because of that - let’s just say, his ass was left at home and I went on my own without hesitation. “Will” was there before him and since he is an ex-boyfriend, “Will” is still here, and not going anywhere.
He will forever be a part of my life. He is not just my friend, he is my family. We might not be related by blood, but our lives are enterwined forever.
~Rest in Peace to my Angels~
Clifford, Winston and Jesse
I love you guys and will never forget you. I know you guys are looking down on me.
1 comment:
Sorry to hear of your friends passing. I too have friends who are a gay couple. They are some of the sweetest and nicest people that I have in my life, and I would not for one minute turn my back on them like others have.
Your friends are not always the ones that look like you, agree on everything that you do or say, are of the same religious background or even the same age group. What you do have in common with them is what you feel in your heart and that is the most important thing of all.
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