I was reading another friend's blog and she talked about friendship and it made me think.
We all have people in and out of our lives at different times and ultimately for different reasons.
For instance, I have two really close friends, and I say that not because we speak every single day - we don't. We regularly go to lunch - we don't. We hang out and go shopping - no to that too. I say we are close friends because I know that if I picked up the phone right this minute and asked either one of them for anything, they would say "I'll be right there." One of them (Angela) - I have been friends with since 1st grade, yup first grade, so that is about 36 years. The other one (Ginger) and I have been friends since 8th grade, that's about 28 years.
There are a lot of years in there, even moving away and moving back home (via the military) we kept in touch and that bond is there. Yes, we all live in the same town but we have our own lives. Thankfully, email keeps us close and they will always be in my heart as well as their families - I can go by their folks house without apprehension and know I will be welcomed, and them the same.
Recently, I have met another group of ladies that I am close to as well. Close in our love for Barry and after talking with them, other things as well. That is the closest we are since we are scattered around the globe.
When I had surgery last year, my family and friends here in town came or called, but the ladies I had just met at the BMIFC Convention just a month before my surgery, called, sent cards and sent a beautiful plant to me. I was so touched that these ladies I had just met cared for me like that.
This year, I met another lady that we had an instant bond with and it feels like we have known each other forever. Last year, the same thing occurred wwhen I found another Barry friend. Even though I have never met either one of them, I can pick up the phone and talk to them about anything - and I usually do. I will finally get to see them face to face next year - Vegas will never be the same!
Friendship is special and though some people say that it is overrated - I would never think that. You need friends in your life, they expose you to different personalities, different tastes, and different cultures.
I love my friends, and they better love me (LMAO just kidding). I know they do, and not because they say it, because they SHOW IT!
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